Hello World!!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Well i can't believe it is finally coming to an end. 10 countries and 5 months down the line we are preparing for our departure from Bangkok and our return to the UK and all our emotions are pretty mixed right now. We are happy knowing very soon we will be back with our friends and family, but sad that this journey finally has to end.

I should update now with whats been going on the last month. We stayed in Kuala lUmpur for about 4 or 5 days and it was quite a funny old city. It is somewhere in between Singapore and Bangkok in that it is not quite as modern as Singapore though tries desperatley to be so, Petronas towers etc, and its not quite as busy and bustling as Bangkok though, yet again, it tries to be. Having said all that, Kuala lumpur has more of a personality than both Singapore and Bangkok combined. The mixtuer of cultures really creates a nice society and we probably ate the best food so far in Asia in KL. So despite being somewhat inadequte compared to its two big nieghbouring capitals, KL still holds its own. Zenna and Oran had a look at the Nottingham campus in KL, which unfortunatly was in the process of moving to another site so they were unable to see what it would be like when they plan to study there, but got enough of a sense of the place to decide they defintly did want to go and make me feel very jealous.

Clowning around in KL

The Petronas Towers

Next we jumped on a bus back to Singapore to take a flight to Bangkok as we decided 3 weeks was only enough time to see one country properly and all decided on Thailand. Also Oran left his mobile phone and camera on the boat from Indonesia so he took a boat back to Indo from Singapore to collect his valubles.

Bangkok. It's ridiculous, never seen so many toursists in one place at the same time. Oran and I wanted to get out quickly and on to the scuba diving which we had decided on doing back in Singapore. Zenna had heard about a massage course in Bangkok, and just as he had done so in Salvador, decided that there was more to Bangkok than anyone would let you believe and he would be the one to find it. So he stayed and learnt an ancient art while Oran and i jumped on a bus full of tourists to learn the new one!
Can't forget a quick shout out to Rosie and Gen who we had met in Miami right at the beginning of our trip, and as coincidence has it we bumped in to in Bangkok at the end of both our trips! So hope you two are okay and all the best.
Koh Tao was beautiful and very relaxed, we had a great group learning Scuba with us, 3 Danes and a Canadian. Mike, our instructor, and his girlfriend Dayna were really sound and a good laugh as was the rest of the group so the 4 day course just flew by. We stayed in contact with the Danes and made our way to Koh Pangang where we would reunite with Zenna and all go to the Full Moon party, nothing as tribal as it sounds, just a big party on the beach but it wasa good laugh non the less, and yes we all got very, very drunk...some more so than others. We met another great bunch of people at the bungalows where we were staying on the island, including 3 Leeds lads who had been travelling Cambodia and Vietnam previously. We all went to the aprty in one big group and had a top night. After two more days of chilling out at the beach, catching some sun and watching dvds we returned to Koh Tao where oran completed his advanced scuba diving and i was very sick due to the vast volume of alcohol i consumed the previous weekend. We still managed to enjoy our 3 days there and then we were going back to Bangkok, Oran and i were dead set on doing foot massage mostly due to Zennas praise for the school he learnt it. So we Boated and Bussed it back to Bangkok, the following day oran went to a tiger sanctuary and saw the River Kwai, a worthy trip he told us..and quite scary!

Rosie and Gen Part II: The Farewell

Koh Tao

Celebrating passing our diving course

Celebrating passing our diving course part II:Dayna and Mette

getting ready for the Full Moon party

Noughts and Crosses

getting ready for the Full Moon party

Sunset on Sairee Beach, Koh Tao

Sairee beach

Our last week was very relaxed, Zenna practised what he had learnt 2 weeks previously at the entre, while Oran and i completed our foot massage course. The peole at the school were lovely and it was really nice to sit and talk to regular people, with the number of tourists the only Thai's you tend to have an opportunity to speak to are those selling you something! So it was a worht while course and another skill learnt to add to our list from the trip. We managed to squeeze in a quick look at a temple and tried to get some good photos of the "Reclining Budda" which is gingantonormous,to give you some perspective, one of its feet is as wide as i am tall!

The Reclining Budda

With Nok my massage teacher

Oran with his teacher

And thats it people. 5 months, 10 countries, 3 good friends and 1 website. It has been quite a journey and i am glad we could share it all with you! Hope you have enjoyed it but don't be too sad, this is only the beginning. Coming soon, Zowtrip Part II:Everywhere Else!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

Love it mate!!!

Saturday, 10 September, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

as i was procrastinating i heard one of you in the skype chat lol
anyway i checked out your page and thought it was really cool and am actually going to try to travel throughout europe this summer

email me at kiwiofcraig@yahoo.com i'd love to know how you guys went about going to so many places

Monday, 23 April, 2007


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