Hello World!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005



Still in Salvador da Bahia, where we´ve been for a good few weeeks now minus a weekend excursion to a place called Morro De Sao Paulo. I tell a lie, Im still in Salvador, Oran couldn´t stand the slow paced life, so went solo to trek in Lençois, a place reknown for its natural beauty. Willem joined him after returning from returning to his wife to be, Juliana (a good 13 hour bus ride away). Meanwhile, my lack of love or will to hike has kept me here in Salvador.. mainly the district of Pelourinho.

One of the many Jewellery people making his stuff and kids playing football

Before we got here, the things I always read and heard were as follows: It had the culture, was the African capital of Brazil, had the best Capoeira, Bahian (a massive state by the way, way bigger than england) food, Candomble ceremonies and the most street people. The closer we came the more true all these things seemed to become until now here I am bang in the middle of it.. and yes all of it is true, but polished to tourism perfection.

Where we´re staying, Pelourinho, takes no longer than 10 minutes to cover but it feels like its got all the culture of Bahia processed and condensed onto its cobbled streets. Don´t get me wrong, I´ve really enjoyed myself here.. but with the amount of tourists here its authenticity to Bahia can only be seen in bursts and glimpses.
African however, it certainly is, and they are proud of it. You only have to look at the people, listen to the music or eat the food to realise it. It´s an interesting difference to most of the places I´ve been.

Pelourinho on a particularly quiet night, kids climbing over the festive decorations

Capoiera for those who don´t know is a Brazillian martial art from the slave days which is a blend of gymnastics, dancing and fighting. As soon as i whipped out my camera, all the guys wanted to see themself on film. and so..

Capoeira, someone performing and some drummers etc

Capoeira in motion.. one of the less spectacular but more traditional displays

Bahian Food.. haven´t tried much of it but what I have has been pretty cool, perhaps tommorow I will go to a Bahian restaurant. Having said that, ive been on a mission to sample every snack and so far have got a good few under my belt.. Acaraje, Tapioca, Açai, Cheese on a Stick.. to name a few.

The corn man and my amiga an acaraje woman

Tourists have money, and are logically the best people to beg from.. Hence there are alot of people on the street of all ages. They´ve perfected the art of looking genuinely upset when you refuse, some even to the point of crying. Maybe its the same thing that attracts all the women, but Willem is getting twice his fair share of people asking him for money, and they seem to follow him that little bit longer. Having kids in the street has been suprisingly unshocking for me and it just becomes normal until you really spend some time to think about what is going on here. Its all too easy to dismiss people like this and not even acknowledge their human presence.. which several tourists do.

Walking on hands and the police will hit you

Candoble is a the mergance of several African religions brought over in the slave trade. I went twicee, the first time we all got ripped off paying R$ 35 each
each and the second time we just found an address and took a taxi. Cameras arent allowed so no pictures for you. But i can only describe it as a really long, kind of strange dance where people randomly fall into trances and (in the second one) smoke lots of cigars and then resorted to cigarettes when they run out. They believe in neither heaven nor hell, but since they had to disguise it as Christianity in the slavery days.. and forgot to pass it on to the generations that it was just a disguise.. alot of Christian saints and other people now have their place in the Candoble.

A random march I stumbled into and braid hair in the street, why not?

A Bahian Woman and a Group of Bahian Women in traditional dress, just chilling out

Since we arrived, Oran really got into bongo drumming taking a few classes a day. We both tried abit of Afro-Brazillian dancing which ill have to show you when i get back. Willem also did abit of drumming and took a lesson of capoeira (by the way Willem, the teacher is looking for you. He wants money)

One of the Capoeira instruments, the Berimbau and a Cheese on a Stick man

All these extra curriculum activies were sort of forgotten since Morro de Sao paulo. Morro de Sao Paulo is a part of an island, which all travellers who come to Salvador ritually go to. For us it was fun, but the heavy rain puts England to shame and sort of lessened the experience. However i did win R$ 20 in a poker game, which was nice.

On thursday we fly into Sao Paulo, to sample its famous night life before taking our flight out of brazil. We coulde´ve been hardcore and 30 Hour Bussed it but it was a bit long really.

Soo, until later.. keep posting comments and i miss you ALLLL


p.s Big up my pups for cycling to Paris


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a heavy blog Zenna!!! Love the pictures and the writing. We have some buff pictures from Lencois so we will do a Bahia P2 blog when we get back tomorrow. You expecting your usual 20 comments for this post?

Wednesday, 15 June, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Zen. That was deep. You remind me of Buscapé. Agree with your friend, very cidade de deus. Loved it. Hope your ok and happy. So pissed, ive forgotten my password, so can't login. typed all this then cudnt blog it. so dumb. its sooo hot here and i'm stuck at work. Move in2 my house soon so scary rent and bills 2 pay! I'm going to Barcalona to do a spanish course, want to become fluent. Yea right!! Keep taking the pictures, be happy, and BE GOOD.
Take care.

Sunday, 19 June, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey zen et al
good to hear you's all having fab times, becoming a bit of a che there i see! loving the posts, keep em coming. i'm heading to germany with uni mates then when chris gets back from wherever the hell he is, we gonna get trains from vienna to sicily or something to that effect. ok its not round the world but its a start!

Sunday, 19 June, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol thought that jewellery maker in the pic was Oran. Zenna, word on the street is you lost your card and so have no money-in a way im glad to see you haven't changed but hope u sorted that all out.hopefully you're all back together now.not a lot happening here really.just lookin for a job at the moment.

until your next post,take it easy lads...james

Monday, 20 June, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Zenna and co. Thank you Zenna for sharing your travel experiences so brilliantly with us back home. Honestly feels like we are there too. It is such a pleasure reading your blog, you might as well start writing a book, it'll be a best seller, trust me. Suggestions anyone for a title for Zenna's book? Salvador sounds like such an exciting place. Take great care of yourselves boys and keep us posted.

Love ...Ivy

Tuesday, 21 June, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello zenz. Nice post and the pics are all arty farty :p
Also, i wanna know what was in that mysterious package you had trouble getting, clean underwear?!?

Me and yaqs were watching the motorcycle diaries the other day and were like hay that's where zenibar took pics.

Friday, 24 June, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey zenna, very sorry about the other day man, i tried writing to you on msn, but i think you were away.
I was very streesed out trying to meet deadlines, and also my mother was in central london and i couldnt get through to her. i truely apologise for what i said, and i have felt very bad for days. you were right it is no way to talk to a friend, and you are one of my oldest most special friends. i hope your enjoying all your travels man. cant wait to hear all about it when you get back. im gonna come down and see u at uni aswell. anyway man take care of yourself, you know i love you man....
once again sorry.... you know who this is.

Friday, 15 July, 2005


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