Hello World!!!

Friday, April 15, 2005


Hey Amigos

We´re in downtown Cancun at the moment, thats east coast Mexico for those who didn´t know. Wanna say a big thank you for everyone who posted happy birthday, and a slightly smaller one for those who just thought it. Willem and Oran did a sneaky, and got me a very cool pair of shorts as well as a fat birthday cake, but our dorm fan blew half the candles out, nevermind eh. We arrived here on Monday from Miami, which we grew to enjoy but it was time to leave. Mexico is very different, and our limited spanish has been put to the test. The food is good, and everything is really cheap, we´ve been eating big meals with soup and a drink for about 30 pesos which is about 1 pound 50. You can get a 6 pack of beers for the same price.

Here´s one we muuurked earlier.

We´re in Downtown so there´s not many tourists around town and we´re living a bit like the mexicans do. The beaches are amazing, especially on this little island called Isle Mujares (island of women) which we took a short boat trip to a couple days ago.

Willems sunburn is clearing up and him and oran spend their mornings peeling skin of each other. sexy.
Next monday we´re off to Brazil to do some serious travelling but until then its a bit more of drinking, sleeping, beaching, eating. Hope England is fun and the weather is nice!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bluuuuud! yep you geussed right, its your stupid when drunk(and most times when not) but No1 mate, kanishk! lol, firstly let me say, BASTARDS! that food looks so fuking gorgeous, and i dont even eat meat! Nice to see the wether is everything i hoped it would be and to see that your ability to find great deals hasnt faded away. One more thing, Happy birthday Zenna. Sorry its day late mate, nut i was in yarnfield for the week doing my training for phones4u, had no internet access. I did remember your stupid ass on the 14th though! lol. Just one more thing before i send everyone to sleep, Willem's really got the traveller look down (I think its the skinhead) and Zenna, it wouldn kill you to smile for the camera! lol. Hear from in a couple of days.
Take care, Kanishk

Saturday, 16 April, 2005

Blogger Zenna said...

Hey People

Thanks for leaving comments, keep doing it because we always check and when there are no new comments it ruins our day, sometimes our week. Also, leave comments on the latest post! not just some random one from ages ago threwise we might not see it. Anyway all is good, the others are at some weird hostel sleeping, weve got a new backpacker friend from miami called Jason, hes pretty cool. Thats how it is out here you make instant friends. Gem, why arent you behaving!! Yes i am nineteen.. i think, does that mean we cant get married?? You have to let me know how the job interview went, ill call next week probably. Fiona, glad youre behavin.. make sure you look after my Gem for me she may seem tough as nuts but shes fragile really. Oh yea and my white friend returns the hi! Mel, Merx hope youre keeping well.. studying hard and not cheating on any guys.

Kanishk, keep posting youre our most faithful commenter and an example the rest of ya should follow! Good luck with your phones4u shizzle, let me know how it goes. Smile? Whats that??

anyway love you all..


Saturday, 23 April, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I hope you enjoy your trip to the moon. Please remember to wear a felt hat for protection.


Saturday, 23 April, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey boys!

thought i'd drop u a line and say hello seein as i havent 4 a while and now feel bad!! Hope ur all being good. HAPPPPPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ZENNNNNNNNA!! hope ur all coool. U must be havin ann amazing time and chirpsing sum buffting women get me!

take care of urselves...couting down the days till u come bk...(which happens to be my birthday!!) love u alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll !!!!!!!!

Thishy Baby

Tuesday, 26 April, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey kids
you need to update more often so we don't think you're dead and stuff.
or maybe you WANT us to stay up all night worrying.
eat regular meals and be in bed by 10.
lub u.

Friday, 29 April, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...


You lot sold me 50 bags of manure and unfortunately they are useless. I tried to grow some plastic bag trees and no produce was forthcoming.

I had to visit Asda to get some carrier bags. The security guard nabbed me and told me 'you can't take that many they don't grow on trees you know!'


Friday, 29 April, 2005


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